Where are coleman tents made?

Coleman tents are typically made in the United States, and they have been produced for over a hundred years. Coleman has been an industry leader for camping gear since before World War II, so it’s no surprise that some of these plants are now producing all sorts of things from sleeping bags to kayaks. The … Read more

Are coleman good tents?

are coleman good tents

In this article, we will discuss whether or not coleman tents are good quality. Coleman has been in business for over 100 years and they have come out with some innovations that were ahead of their time – including inflatable air mattresses! Coleman has also come a long way in terms of innovations in regards … Read more

Do Tents Need Waterproofing?

Do Tents Need Waterproofing?

Camping is awesome. Spending a night outdoors can help you feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and reconnected to the world around you. That is if you’re dry. Lets find out the answer to the question do tents need waterproofing? A wet night of camping can be one of the worst, longest experiences to get through. Being underprepared … Read more

Do Tents Leak?

Do Tents Leak?

Have you got a camping trip coming up that you need a waterproof tent for? We can understand why you might be slightly apprehensive choosing the right tent for the trip, especially if the weather is going to be bad. One of the worst situations to be in when camping is waking up in the … Read more

What Does Boondocking Mean?

What Does Boondocking Mean

Boondocking is a popular form of camping for many people, but what exactly does it mean? Well, it comes down to two things – how you are camping and where you are going to be camping. First of all, boondocking consists of being totally detached from the world of electronics and modern amenities. You’re not … Read more

What is BLM Dispersed Camping?

What is BLM dispersed camping

BLM refers to the Bureau of Land Management and they promote the safe use of public lands to ensure that it is sustained and protected for future generations. BLM dispersed camping provides an inexpensive way for campers to enjoy the great outdoors. Dispersed camping spots are located on land away from designated sites and developed … Read more

What’s The Difference Between Glamping and Camping?

What’s The Difference Between Glamping and Camping?

Planning a camping trip can be hard, especially when there are so many foreign terms to consider. Camping, glamping – what’s the difference? Well, there are a few different things between these two kinds of vacations. The chances are that you probably know what camping is, to some degree. When you’re camping, you’re usually staying … Read more

What is Hook-Up Camping?

What is Hook-Up Camping

If you’re new to camping or have only ever camped out in the wild, you may never have heard of hook-up camping before. Before you go getting the wrong idea, no, we are not referring to that sort of hook-up. Hook-up camping is a type of camping where you have access to an electrical outlet, … Read more

How Much is an Average Campsite?

How Much is an Average Campsite

The average cost of a campsite will depend on where you’re camping, what season you’ll be camping in, and if you’re pitching a tent or renting a sizable space for your RV. On average, most trailer spaces in a campsite with access to power and water will cost you $45 a night and an entrance … Read more